San Diego Badminton Club Membership gives you the privilege to play on the courts #1 to #5 during club hours. All Club Members are responsible for knowing the rules and abiding by them. Additionally, all Club Members are empowered and encouraged to enforce the rules in a polite manner. This means that if there is a question of court use (e.g. court time, membership status, etc.), you should speak directly with the involved party.
To use a Club Member court, you must place your Membership card on the reservation board. If your card is lost, then the only other acceptable method is to show a photo ID, provided that your name is listed on the most current membership roster posted in the glass case. Please find a board member and borrow a temporary card for the day. Use this website to purchase a new replacement card.
Club Members who are playing on a non-member court (#6 to #10) shall not reserve a Club Members-only court. Club Members must wait until they have finished playing on the non-member court before reserving a Club Members-only court.
Upon entering a court, you can play until the end of the prescribed time. You may not move your card to a new reservation until your current reservation period ends.
If visitors to the club wish to play on the club courts, they may use the courts by paying a Daily Drop-in fee to the SDBC Badminton Club website.
Courts may be reserved for 30-minute periods during designated club hours for either singles or doubles play.
However, singles games on Tuesdays and Thursdays are limited to be played on court #5 when there are players waiting for a court. During other club hours, any court may be used for singles games, but only one court at a time may be used for singles when all courts are full and members are waiting. Multiple singles courts are allowed only when no members are waiting.
Courts used by fewer than four people are considered to be a singles court and are subject to the rules regarding singles courts.
Please discard used birds to a trashcan when you finish playing.
Abide by the rules of the Badminton World Federation (BWF) and the Balboa Park Activity Center and be respectful of the employees so that we may continue to enjoy the privilege of using the gym. Failure to comply with any of these rules and/or general misconduct may result in the suspension or revocation of your Membership privilege.
* Updated January 2025
SDBC Board of Directors.